
One Season Ends, Another Begins

I'm happy to say that I finished all my goals for Galactic Season 7 this past week. Everything just came together all at once: First I hit level 100 on Star Forge and Leviathan, then over the next couple of days on Tulak Hord, Satele Shan and Shae Vizla. Finally, on Saturday I ticked off the two meta achievements on Darth Malgus. I got the last few world boss kills I needed a few weeks ago, so it was just a matter of completing a few more seasons objectives and grinding out some more bounties.

I know I sometimes talk about how my ambitious goals for seasons can take on a somewhat chore-like quality, but damn, did it feel satisfying to be done with everything. I also love knowing that I can now expect to have a roughly three-month break from seasons - there will be a PvP season during that time, but that's not quite the same thing - and I look forward to checking out the new content coming with 7.6, progressing some characters' personal stories here and there, and just generally chilling and throwing snowballs during Life Day. As mentioned last year, during December more than during any other time of the year, I really appreciate this in-game holiday simply giving me a chance to relax, without putting any particular demands on my time.

Shintar reclining on the balcony of her Mek-Sha stronghold next to some Life Day holo-trees

As for GS7, I already gave my overall impressions of it last month. Setting stricter limits for myself on the other servers ultimately worked out well, as I definitely had fewer "trying to squeeze in just a couple more objectives before going to bed" moments of stress than on some previous occasions, and I still completed all my goals with plenty of time to spare. If anything, I should probably try easing up on my activity on the other servers even more next season, just to see how little time investment I can get away with (while still playing in a way I enjoy instead of simply maximising for seasons points per minute).

In general, nothing too exciting happened on the other servers this season; I would sum up my experiences playing on them over the last few months as follows:

While playing on Leviathan, I probably have the most strictly solo experience of any server, simply because my ability to communicate in French is so limited, but boy do I adore all my alts on that server for some reason. I've actually given my knight over there more different outfits to wear than most of my alts on Darth Malgus. I guess it's just been too long since I allowed myself to simply fall in love with another Twi'lek (I keep telling myself I need to try playing a greater variety of species)!

A female pink twi'lek Jedi Knight and Lord Scourge make a holo call on Belsavis

On Tulak Hord, I'm still in the guild with the dedicated website that nobody uses. I'm not sure how active the guild itself still is either, as I got guild mails from officers at various points that seemed to indicate that they hadn't been around as much. The planetary invasion still happened every week, and the guild Conquest bar did get filled up, but some weeks I was up there in the top five contributors just for making my 100k on my trooper.

On Satele Shan, I'm getting so close to finally finishing my Shadow Zilek's class story - it's so close I can taste it! I wrote about how he was my first ever male character in this post - it's hard to believe that I created him more than twelve years ago now and he still hasn't defeated the First Son. However, he's about halfway through Corellia now and I'm considering just pushing through even after being done with seasons, just to finally complete that particular milestone.

Star Forge and playing with New Outriders and occasionally helping out Swtorista's Team Disco has turned into a warm comfort blanket for me. I love my guild of twelve years on Darth Malgus, but being an officer is work sometimes, and many of my guildies are - how do I put this nicely - a bit cynical about the game at this point. So when I get to just hang out with friends on Star Forge, it's nice to not have to do any talking or organising for a change, to just tag along and do as I'm told, and simply giggle at people's jokes in a more light-hearted atmosphere.

On Shae Vizla, I'm up to two class stories completed now (my consular got there the other week) and with me hitting legacy level 44 yesterday, I came to realise that despite the server's young age, this may well end up being the one on which I end up hitting legacy level 50 next, a feat I've otherwise only achieved on Darth Malgus and Star Forge so far. We'll see whether I get there during the next season.


  1. I am through four of the class stories on the new server I started on in 2019, with a fifth nearly down. It's been a lot of fun becuase my break was long enough that I completely forgot pretty muhc everything that happens in the base game.

    I have not beeen pushing very hard on season 7, and I am currently still only about half way through it. While I am still enjoying it, I think I really go spoiled by season 6. That was the first season I ever experienced, and unlocking a whole new stronghold was very cool.

  2. To me the biggest difference of this season was the removal of the season currency. I spent a ton of time in previous seasons farming the currency. I could completely ignore the daily 25k conquest objective because I only did that for the currency. I could finish all my weeklies in 2-3 days and have 4-5 free days each week. I used the free time to work on my own goals in SWTOR as well as play other games (mostly classic PC games). I'm hoping this is a permanent change and they don't have another currency in season 8.

    1. As mentioned in my other post I actually missed the currency a bit. Outside of Season 6's weird meta-achievement, I never used to have to grind for it, so I didn't mind it as something to collect along the way. The daily Conquest objective feels really diminished now - which may not be a bad thing like you say, but still feels a bit strange to me now.


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