
Around the SWTOR-sphere: September 2024

This post is a few days late because I briefly forgot that September only has thirty days and then figured since we were already in October anyway, there was no rush anymore to get it out as soon as possible. I once again didn't have any interesting links to share in August (in fact, when I opened my draft at the end of the month it was literally empty), but in September my link-collecting endeavours were more fruitful again.

  • Earlier in the month I promoted my appearance on Ivano 1337's PvP podcast, and on the day of recording he told me that he was actually already about to talk to his next guest that same evening. That episode released a few days later and had him talking to - what shall we call him... controversial personality Snave. I have no love for Snave myself - I played Republic on The Red Eclipse before streaming became super popular, and being stomped by Snave's Imperial premades and then being publicly ridiculed for losing on his stream was generally enough to make me stop queueing for the evening. And that's without even going into any of the other reasons most major content creators won't go near him... but I will say that his chat with Ivano was interesting. They also recorded themselves playing a couple of warzones at the end. Funny thing is that for all the reasons to dislike Snave, I actually agree with him about objectives in warzones.
  • In the blogosphere, commenter Yeebo (who also has his own blog) finally got around to publishing the two posts about SWTOR he'd been telling me about for a while. The first one is about the "Knights of" era and the months that followed immediately after, and how that content put him off the game for a while. The second one is about how he came back to SWTOR at the start of this year and was pleasantly surprised by the new content he found, and how he thinks the game is actually in a much better place now. Happy ending! (For the time being.)
  • The second variety blogger I saw writing about SWTOR last month was Bhagpuss, in a post titled "Back to the future", which was at least partially inspired by reading Yeebo's posts mentioned above. However, he was a lot less enthused and immediately lost interest again as far as I can tell, as there was no follow-up. Still, I appreciated his perspective. I thought it was interesting how disconnected he felt from his characters upon returning for example, when usually people cite feeling more connected to their characters as one of SWTOR's strengths.
  • Finally, the SWTOR subreddit actually yielded a couple of posts last month that I found particularly amusing/interesting. On the amusing front, we had this post by someone whose Alderaanian trees were going bonkers - I've got to admit I quite liked the idea of in-game wind moving the leaves (even if it probably shouldn't look quite like that).
  • On the "just interesting" front, we had this post by a now deleted user who talked about how transferring from Satele Shan to Star Forge was a complete game changer for them. The topic of server populations has been on my mind a lot after my experiences with doing seasons on all the servers and seeing how dramatically different things can be from one server to the next. You don't have to agree with everything the poster says, but I thought there were some interesting conversations sparked in the comments.