
7.6 Sneak Peek!

I was planning to write about something else today, but then as I was browsing YouTube last night, a new video from SWTOR's official account suddenly popped up in my recommendations. Whaaa...?!

Here we've all been sitting around, waiting for them to announce the next livestream, and they surprise us with an actual teaser like that. I like it! While I've enjoyed the livestreams over the last few years, they do kind of seem targeted at fans who are already highly invested, while a four-minute video talking about upcoming patch features should be much more accessible to a more mainstream audience.

The three major points of interest from the video are: the new type of gameplay that's coming in 7.6, the new lair boss, and the upcoming PTS.

The new type of gameplay that will take us back to existing planets is called "dynamic encounters" and is basically... world quests? Dynamic events? Something like that. We don't know enough details (such as how often they'll occur, and how much credit will be shared vs. personal) to say which of the comparable features in other MMOs they will resemble the most, but we get the basic idea: They'll be a bit like quests, but instead of picking them up in town, you'll just find them popping up on your map.

This seems like a smart direction for the dev team to take, as it'll allow them to add more things for players to do at all levels without needing more voice acting or fancy cinematics, plus it's likely to make the open world feel a bit more alive as you should encounter more players running around on old planets.

I'm tentatively excited, though it remains to be seen how engaging this stuff turns out to be in the long term, and of course there's always the question of rewards. I thought it was kind of funny that the example in the video showed the player getting literally nothing for completion (obviously since it's still a work in progress) but it does make you wonder. XP and credits seem like a given, but the game already throws plenty of those at you everywhere else too. Is another source of Conquest commendations at max level going to excite anyone? But then, SWTOR has never been as highly reward-driven as other MMOs, so I really wouldn't expect these to suddenly start handing out higher-level currency or anything like that. We'll see.

In fact, we should find out more soon enough as this stuff will be going on the Public Test Server! And there'll even be a new reward for going on there and helping with the testing: a special mini pet. I just thought this was funny since I have a guildie who asks every time the PTS goes up whether there's a new reward, and usually there isn't... so I outright told him at one point that there doesn't seem to be much point in asking that question every time. I of course had to ping him immediately once I saw the video, hah!

The other thing we'll get to try on the PTS will be the new lair boss, a droid called Propagator Core XR-53, found on Ilum among the remnants of the Emperor's old space station. Unsurprisingly, like R-4 Anomaly, the fight won't have a 16-person mode, which I know most people don't care about but I'll keep moaning about it anyway because as a guild who has done and continues to do 16-mans, I miss that option. (When R-4 was a seasons objective the other week and we had 13 people on, that was quite challenging to sort out.)

Aside from that though, XR-53 will have both a story and a veteran mode, and I'm curious to find out what it'll be like. I crave more group content, but R-4 was such an awful experience for me at launch that I'm also still a bit wary of their current design philosophy in that area, so I'm hesitant to get too excited just yet.

What are you most interested in learning more about in regards to patch 7.6?


  1. For me it is the dynamic events. Things like that can give the older worlds a life (albeit temporarily) that you don't currently see. Plus I'm a fan of that type of informal, unstructured grouping when it comes to world events. I am hoping that once the system is in place they'll be able to add more dynamic events into the game outside patches.

    I'm also glad to see a lair boss. While it isn't the same as a regular ops, seeing endgame content show up in these patches is nice. While it isn't my thing in Swtor these days, I do want to see everyone get something over the course of a year.

    1. Yeah, I expect they'll only be available on a few planets to begin with, but the game has a lot of planets, so there would be plenty of room to expand over time.

  2. Basically everyone is talking about Eric Musco being the Game Dircetor now. Why didn't you pick this up?`
    Did you miss it? Or is another post coming up?

    1. Heh, I have to admit this is the first I've heard about this! I'm not sure who "everyone" is, but I actively had to search for anyone talking about this, and all I could find was one video that was basically just "hey, I noticed that his job title changed" and the other one seemed to think that Eric had taken over Keith's job, for which I've seen no evidence.

      I'm not really sure what there is to talk about in regards to a single person having a job title change. Eric has been in a position of "power" as Game Producer since 2020 according to his LinkedIn. From what I can decude from googling various game dev job descriptions, the difference between a producer and a director is that the latter has more to do with creative decisions than practical ones? To be honest it sounds like the kind of promotion to me that you get when someone has been at the same company for many years (which Eric has), where you change their job title a bit to give them something new to do and show appreciation for their experience. I wouldn't expect to see any drastic changes as a result of this unless more things have been changing that we're not aware of.

    2. Soooo... if i understand this correctly...

      ... when "Papa" Keith got promoted to Game Director it was praised like the second coming of Christ himself, saviour of the game...

      ... and now a new Game Director is simply overlooked and at most just a title change with no meaning at all?

      I really don't get these double takes on the exact same issue.

    3. Oh, I see where the confusion comes from! Keith actually has "Game Director" in his forum signature and I even quoted that once myself... but his official job title is (and has been since 2017) "Executive Producer". Until/unless there is some announcement about him stepping down, I see no reason to assume that he has.

      Keith taking charge back in 2017 was exciting because the game was at its (IMO) lowest point and everyone was hoping for a change of direction from someone who was previously in CS relations. I currently see no evidence that leadership of the game has changed now, but even if it had, Eric has been part of it for several years already so I wouldn't expect some kind of drastic change in direction this time.

    4. Also, I went back to check just what I did have to say about Keith becoming Executive Producer back in 2017. At the time I was cautiously optimistic that he was going to do good things after several weeks of him showing that he was taking a very different approach compared to his predecessor. No mentions of Jesus anywhere. 😛

      The current situation is a couple of people seemingly spreading rumours that Keith has stepped down purely based on someone else having a job title change (and not to Keith's job title). Hardly "the exact same issue"!


Share your opinion! Everyone is welcome, as long as things stay polite. I also read comments on older posts, so don't be shy. :)