
Could Flashpoints Become Endgame Again?

I've been thinking a lot about flashpoints recently. Over the past year and a half, I've been dabbling in Mythic Plus dungeons in World of Warcraft with some friends, and while I have my issues with that system, it has served as a reminder of how much I still enjoy small group content with friends... and how little reason I've had to do any of that in SWTOR for a while now, even as I continue to run operations with my guild.

When 7.0 first came out, we ran master mode flashpoints as part of our gearing up process, trying to get items from every possible source available, but after that it soon became clear that of the three different PvE gearing paths available since Legacy of the Sith, flashpoints have come out as the most lacklustre. The Noble Decurion gear you get from solo activities is by far the easiest to grind out and upgrade, while the Rakata purples from operations offer the best overall itemisation, not to mention the highest possible item level, which makes them a worthwhile goal to pursue even if it takes some effort. Flashpoint gear occupies an uncomfortable position in the middle, meaning it's not the best, but also ridiculously pricey in terms of currency upgrade costs, meaning you're almost always better off choosing one of the other paths.

(I note that many guides recommend acquiring and upgrading a single Supreme Decurion item from flashpoints and dissembling it to unlock the mod vendor - but that's it, after that you're basically not supposed to set foot into a flashpoint ever again.)

Seasons used to offer an incentive to group up for flashpoints with guildies, as the way the old flashpoint objective worked meant that it was faster to run a master mode including the bonus boss with guildies than to do multiple, easier but more haphazard runs with pugs. However, since this was changed to require exactly two runs no matter what, it's not as attractive anymore to put the effort in to assemble a group of friends. Sure, I'll still run with guildies for fun sometimes, but the temptation to just "get it done" with a quick solo mode stealth run or pug when that is also an option at any time is definitely much stronger than it used to be.

It strikes me that there is really some missed potential there, considering the sheer number of flashpoints the game contains, most of which do have a master mode as well. There just isn't much incentive to run them beyond some achievements and rare decoration drops nowadays - and to be clear, I don't want to over-incentivise flashpoints either, so that people feel like they have to run them all the time, but I really think we could get a lot more mileage out of them than we currently do.

Whenever I do queue for a master mode flashpoint for example, I almost always get the same ones, because people want to just do the easiest ones for rewards and not have to deal with any of the harder or newer ones. Which I think is a crying shame!

I remember when Lost Island first came out, it was put into a second "tier" of flashpoints with a separate queue and rewards because it was considered to be so much harder than the others. That ultimately didn't go anywhere, I guess because having a tier with only a single flashpoint in it isn't particularly enticing. In this day and age however, when we have dozens of flashpoints available that are all scaled to the current level cap, many of which are of wildly varying difficulty, wouldn't this be a perfect time to revisit that idea? It doesn't make sense that the game treats master mode Hammer Station and master mode Ruins of Nul as if they were exactly the same.

Flashpoints I would personally put in tier two would be:

  • Assault on Tython 
  • Battle of Rishi
  • Blood Hunt
  • Crisis on Umbara
  • Lost Island
  • Nathema Conspiracy
  • Objective Meridian
  • Ruins of Nul
  • Secrets of the Enclave
  • Shrine of Silence
  • Spirit of Vengeance
  • Traitor Among The Chiss

That's 12 of the current 29 master mode flashpoints - maybe you could add or remove a couple. I'm not married to the idea of a specific list, and obviously any selection would still include some (comparatively) easier and some harder ones... but not "Hammer Station easy", you know.

And what would be the point of having a separate tier, you might ask? Well, it could give separate rewards, and again I look back at something that I liked about the early days of the game - that the last boss in a master mode flashpoint used to drop a Rakata piece. Why not do something like that again? You can't tell me that it takes less effort to complete any of these than to do a master mode Nefra.

Both of these suggestions wouldn't require the introduction of anything dramatically new, as they both refer back to systems that were in the game before, and gear rewards that are in the game right now, but I'm open to other ideas as well of course. I'd just like to see some incentives to make flashpoints more attractive again as something to run with both guildies and pugs, especially on master mode.


  1. I would like to see this. Having a tiered list of flashpoints would allow them to put a Rakata drop in the 2nd tier and Tionese (Columi? Offhand, I don't remember which is the lowest group of armor) in the easier level. Having the Master Mode feel like it has an upgrade path between the tiers would help.

    I'd also like to see them encourage more pug Master Mode runs by giving an incentive for all solo queue players. Perhaps an extra piece of loot or higher chances at any of the cosmetic items.

  2. They certainly do need a more robust system than what they have currently. In some regards, I sympathise with Broadsword as flashpoints were just another system they had goals for when 7.0 launched that ended up changing very quickly and they just haven't been able to really make up their minds what they want to do since.

    For example, the weekly mission. With the changes to flashpoint objectives with GS5 onwards, that's the perfect amount needed to also complete the weekly! Except that you can't complete both that and the objective unless you get super-duper lucky with the queue...

    Yet I also completely get that after Spammer Station's rise to notoriety in 6.0 that it still hasn't completely escaped from that they wouldn't want people to just complete the weekly by farming the same flashpoint again and again. Yet you can also do Dread Fortess SM three times a week and going forward with the new turn-in system that'll net players a Columi cache! That said, I'm hopeful that this change to the operations weeklies gives them some idea of what they may want to do for the flashpoint weeklies...

    Also, while we're at it, why not bring that weekly into more Conquest weeks? Uprisings and Star Fortresses of all things get hefty totals to incentivise running them for many Conquest weeks, why not flashpoints too (looking at TGW in particular)?!

    I don't know what I would like to see as a potentially revised system tbh. I like the idea of M+ as a 'scale-to-what-difficulty-you-like' thing, but that's impossible to cater to the more casual audience of SWTOR. Bringing back the tier system would be a fair compromise, I think.


Share your opinion! Everyone is welcome, as long as things stay polite. I also read comments on older posts, so don't be shy. :)