
Shintar's Galactic Season 6 Diary, Week 11

After how I felt at the end of week 10, I decided to put on the brakes. Yes, I still had some work to do on Darth Malgus, but on the other servers I was around level 90 everywhere, and that with literal months left in the season and no particular reason to push myself. I set myself a hard cap of no more than four weekly objectives per server (which is quite similar to what commenter Thander recommended in response to my previous post, but this decision was actually made a few days prior to that). Until now, I'd tried not to be too specific with my plans for which objectives to pursue each week, but this time I knew exactly what I was going to do:

  • Earn 200k Conquest points: I was still going to do this on every server as before.
  • Earn the seasonal currency: This would also get done automatically again.
  • Visit another player's Copero stronghold: You already know that I did this one too.
  • Do the Oricon weekly twice or the Osssus weekly once: Usually I quite like the Ossus weekly where I have access to it, but I wasn't planning to do it this time.
  • Kill 100 mobs with a healer companion: This was going to be my fourth objective on all servers.
  • Kill four named champion mobs on Balmorra (2 Republic, 2 Imperial): I do these sometimes, but it wasn't going to do them this week.
  • Complete 2 out of 4 selected flashpoints (Hammer Station, Athiss, Battle of Rishi or Nathema Conspiracy): Again, a no this week.
  • Kill the Hoth world bosses: This was one of three group objectives I was planning to do with my guild on Darth Malgus, but not anywhere else.
  • Kill champion guards or turrets on selected planets: This was the second one of those group season objectives.
  • KotET chapter 8 on veteran mode or higher: Still no chapters for me.
  • Karagga's Palace on story mode: This was the third group objective I was going to do on Darth Malgus, even if I was a bit surprised to see it again so soon.

Day 1 - Tuesday

My week started once again with a long day at the office, so in the evening I was too tired to do much. I just visited a Copero stronghold on all servers and achieved my daily Conquest score with some clicky objectives.

Day 2 - Wednesday

On Wednesday evening I scored myself some Conquest points and worked on getting kills with my companions by questing on Darth Malgus, Leviathan and Tulak Hord, but three servers was quite enough for me for the day, so the daily objective on Satele Shan, Star Forge and Shae Vizla was once again completed with some clickies.

Day 3 -  Thursday

I know it's getting repetitive, but Thursday was another day in the office followed by a guild ops run in the evening, which meant that I didn't have much energy left to do seasons stuff afterwards, so I once again just got my daily objective done with things like crew skills, companion gifts etc.

Day 4 - Friday

On Friday evening I felt like doing a bit of questing again, but only on Darth Malgus and Leviathan.

Darth Zash in the Dark Temple, her face hidden in the shadows of her hood as she speaks

Day 5 - Saturday

The other servers had their turn on Saturday morning. On Tulak Hord, my Sith inquisitor finished chapter one of her class story in the process, and on Satele Shan I was baffled to find that for some reason I'd never bought the Dromund Kaas stronghold on that server, so I did that too (good for my Conquest bonus).

In the afternoon I continued to progress my weeklies on all the secondary servers via questing. Once again my alts across different servers were weirdly in sync, as my agent on Satele Shan and my bounty hunter on Leviathan also finished chapter one of their respective class stories.

In the evening it was time for social night with my guild on Darth Malgus, which we used to knock out those three aforementioned group objectives by downing both Hoth world bosses, killing turrets in the Imperial base on Oricon and doing a quick KP story mode run.

Day 6 - Sunday

On Sunday I once again didn't feel like playing that much, so I only did an operation with my guild in the evening (killing Terror from Beyond on 16-man master mode, yay) as well as getting my last few companion kills on Darth Malgus.

Day 7 - Monday

Monday was a holiday in the UK, so I enjoyed spending my morning going through all the other servers to finish getting kill credit with my companion where it wasn't quite done yet as well as progressing various class stories some more to earn some Conquest. I was kind of amazed to find myself doing Battle of Ilum story mode on my level 64 smuggler on Star Forge, since it's so rare for me nowadays to get into post-class story content before the level cap.

I then spent the rest of the day doing other things, until I panicked late in the evening when I realised that I'd have to go to bed early due to needing to get up early the next morning, and that I didn't actually have much time left to get my dailies done. I just rotated through all the servers as quickly as I could, doing a few more clicky objectives and quest hand-ins everywhere as appropriate to tick off the daily objective and get to 4/7 weeklies where I wasn't quite there yet.

Week 11 Thoughts

I've decided that this is a good point to stop keeping these diaries for this season. While I still have quite a bit of "work" to do on Darth Malgus for the achievements, the effort required for that isn't really enough to be worth documenting in this level of detail, and all the other servers are close enough to seasons level 100 that it'll be trivial to achieve in the near future, whether I put any effort into it or not.

This diary was an interesting experiment, but to be honest I'm glad to be done with it as it didn't quite work out the way I had hoped. My idea was that by keeping close track of what I was doing every week I'd find it easier to avoid burning myself out, due to having to be more consciously aware of what I was doing instead of, e.g. "suddenly" finding myself doing the same flashpoint for the fourth time in a row and feeling tired.

I guess that did work to some degree as I found it easier to say "just say no" to certain types of objectives this time around, however that didn't prevent me from still getting in way over my head week after week by underestimating the amount of time that would be required to complete even relatively simple objectives across six servers. Worse, having set myself the goal to write it all down added an extra layer of "work" that actually became a bit tedious after a while. (And yes, I know nobody is making me do this, but I did want to see it through to the end at least.)

Also, I only have so much creative energy and time to spare to write every week (about enough for a post every two to three days tops), which meant that these diaries being a weekly fixture "crowded out" a lot of other potential posts. I've accumulated quite a number of topic ideas in my drafts folder over the last three months that I just didn't have enough time to post about! Most of them weren't time-sensitive, so I'll hopefully still get around to writing about them at a later point, when there isn't so much going on...

For the time being though, patch 7.5 launches tomorrow, bringing with it a new story update, the new spring event and more, so there definitely won't be a shortage of things to talk about for a while.

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