
Killing Things in EC NiM

Two weeks ago I wrote about my first experience in Explosive Conflict nightmare and how it involved wiping on Toth and Zorn all night. The week after that I was on rotation, but when I got to go in again this past Monday it was an absolute blast. We one-shot the first encounter, two-shot the second one, and got a guild first kill of the third boss as well.

Handily, I was recording the whole thing with Fraps again, and it felt only fair to make a follow-up video to show that my guild doesn't just wipe on things all the time...

This video was almost as much fun to make as it was to play on the actual night, and to me shows pretty much everything that I enjoy about raiding: the sense of achievement that comes from a perfectly smooth kill, being able to joke and laugh when you mess up, as well as the nerve-wrecking excitement when you get down those last few percent of the boss's health with hardly anyone left standing.

Warning: video contains a bit of swearing again, as well as a strange mix of music choices.


  1. And that's why I probably won't make it into raiding/ops (except as a visiting guest): Most of the time I haven no effing clue what the hell is going on.

    Oh, and I totally lost it at "I need a Hero." For some reason that REALLY made me laugh.

    1. I don't know; I wouldn't expect fights like these to make a lot of sense on video if you haven't seen them before. :)

      And our gunslinger was very pleased with my choice of music for that bit as well. :P

  2. Only a bit of swearing? Amateurs! ;-)

    1. I don't know, I think it's quite bad already that I can't seem to make a video featuring our guild leader that doesn't have him yelling "motherfucker!" at some point or another. :P

  3. Awesome video. Makes me want to start raiding - but a bit tricky in a guild of one. :D

  4. Haha, I love the vid! Congrats on the progress and luckily there's less "medpac... medpac..." in this one. ^^


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