The start of a new year is traditionally a time for plans, predictions, resolutions - or wishes, as it might be. So I figured this might be a good time to finally make this post about features I really wish the SWTOR devs would get around to updating or adding. I don't really expect any of these to happen in 2025 in specific to be honest, but I just want to throw them out there because this kind of thing isn't actually something I usually spend a lot of time talking about.
I originally drafted this post several months ago under the simple title "feature wishlist" but then I saw someone comment in a video (I forget which one it was exactly) that "devs hate nothing more than feature wishlists", which gave me pause at the time. I have no idea whether it's true, but it's the kind of statement that sounds like it could be? After all, MMO developers are always working on new things that they're hoping will excite players, and the last thing you'll want to hear while you're doing that is someone going "whatever, can you please work on all this other stuff instead".
Anyway, like I said, I decided that now's the time to go ahead anyway, so without further ado, my biggest wishes for SWTOR in the next year (and beyond):
1. A solution for queues
I wrote a post in June last year in which I talked about how I'm worried about steadily increasing queue times for PvP, but to some extent this problem applies to PvE as well, depending on what content you want to do and what server you play on. If you're on Star Forge or Darth Malgus, you're mostly fine, but on any of the other four servers your odds of signing up for an automated activity queue that never pops have slowly been growing over time. Simply put, the game has too many different queues for the number of players it actually has nowadays.
You might ask why that matters, especially if you're someone who primarily plays solo, and my answer is that it's simply not healthy for any multiplayer game. It's frustrating for people who just want to play the content (and who are being led to believe that they should be able to, why else is that "queue for PvP" button even there), but it can also leave a terrible impression on new players trying to get into the game for the first time.
I find myself thinking back to SWTOR's first year, when it still had hundreds of thousands of paying subscribers, and yet people would regularly post screenshots about how it was supposedly stone dead, showing themselves standing on the fleet with not a single other person being there. You know why that was? Because when the population started dropping, the devs opened free transfers everywhere to consolidate players onto a smaller number of servers, but it took them months to actually close down the old/abandoned servers, and people were logging into them all the time with no idea what was going on, just to find that apparently "nobody" was playing the game anymore. Queues that never pop can have a similar effect, if perhaps not to the same degree.
Now, there are a number of ways to address this problem. Server merges are one, and you'll find a good number of people suggesting those, but I've got to admit I'm not the biggest fan of that particular solution myself. I like giving people the option to play in distinctly different environments that are busier or more quiet depending on their preference, and then we'd also have to deal with the issue of millions of characters all needing unique names again. However, I do think that this queue problem is bad enough that I would embrace even this radical solution.
Another option would be the introduction of cross-server queueing at last. Now, this is something that people actually asked for way back when the game first launched, and early dev communications hinted at the feature being just around the corner. However, at some point they changed their minds about this, and while I can't find the exact quote anymore (I just found a link to an old episode of the Bad Feeling Podcast that is no longer online), I seem to remember that the devs were basically saying that it turned out to be too complicated/too much effort and wasn't worth it. Please do correct me if you got an actual quote for what was said back then. Either way, this was a long time ago when the game still had a lot more servers, so I'm thinking there's a chance it might be more feasible now than it was back then?
Other options include things like simply reducing the number of available queues, for example by re-merging the warzone and arena queues, or merging the lowbie and midbie PvP brackets. And yes, I know that all of these would cause other issues in turn, which is why I'm not picking one option and claiming that this one would definitely be the best and solve everything. All I'm saying is that I think this is a serious problem and there are a number of ways the devs could go about addressing it. I'd just like them to do something.
2. A legacy- or account-wide friends list
Before the current number one on the list became top of mind for me, this used to be my number one feature request for SWTOR for over a decade. Think I'm exaggerating? Go and read me complaining about "my useless friends list" back in 2014. It's actually quite astounding to think just how many parts of the UI the devs have revamped and updated over the years, but that stupid window is still exactly the same as it was at launch.
This game is all about alts, so we need the option to (consensually!) become legacy- or account-wide friends with someone, maybe with an additional option to hide your online status even from your friends when you feel like laying low some days. As it is, we continue to make do by using external apps like Discord to stay in touch, but we shouldn't have to.
3. Support for manual group finding
This is another drum that I've been beating for at least half a decade - see here. Being able to queue up for automatically formed groups for flashpoints and PvP is fine and dandy, but sometimes you need players for something else and there are tools to support manual group formation for that in other games, but not in SWTOR. Why does forming an ops group with pugs still involve barking "LFM" in fleet general chat in 2025? Hell, we had more support for this back in 2012 when you could flag yourself as LFG in /who while providing more details in the comment field. Nowadays we don't even have that.
4. An updated companion UI
OK, so far everything I've listed has been about social features because those are near and dear to my heart, but I do have other interests as well. The "companions and contacts" window (bound to N by default) was added with Knights of the Fallen Empire and it does have some nice features, like the little text summaries that tell you more about your relationship with each companion as well as their likes and dislikes. The "travel to contact" button is also pretty neat when it works.
That said, after a decade of the devs constantly adding more companions and contacts... it's just a mess. Whenever I want to check my influence level with a companion, I always open the crew skill window instead because at least in there they are sorted from highest influence to lowest. I'm not convinced that splitting companions into different categories based on which part of the story you acquired them in was ever a good idea, but it's only gotten worse over time with inconsistent categorisation and weird duplication bugs, all of which can make it very hard to find the specific companion you're trying to summon at any given moment.
For all the sometimes seemingly random UI changes we've seen over the past couple of years, this is one window I really wish they'd get around to revamping. Mainly I think that the companions should just all be in one big list, but with the ability to sort and filter them different ways, including alphabetically and by influence level.
5. Where's that crafting update?
Remember when the devs said there'd be a crew skills update coming at some point? I think it was before Legacy of the Sith, wasn't it? Either way it's been so long since we've heard anything about that, I find it hard to remember the details.
As someone who enjoys crafting I'd love for it to finally get some love again. It's not completely useless now, and I don't think they need to fully overhaul how everything works, but some crafting skills are definitely less relevant than others and it's just been ages since they even added anything to it other than the latest set of new augments.
I'm not sure what exactly I'm wishing for with this one to be honest, other than that I hope there are no monkey paws involved, because in other MMOs I've looked forward to a crafting revamp more than once, and even thought that what the devs did in each instance looked pretty good at first... just to then still end up disappointed after a while, missing the old systems. I don't want that to happen to SWTOR... but I also feel like crew skills are definitely overdue for some love.
Do you agree with my priorities here or would yours be completely different? Feel free to share your own thoughts in the comments!
I would definitely love to get the ability to sort companions by a 'favourites' or similar function. It's fine for characters who use high-up companions like Bowdaar and HK, but scrolling through numerous categories to get to Choza, Hexid, the exoboar, and even Kira is just an unnecessary (if extremely slight) tedium.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised it wasn't designed with such a function in-mind - especially as even the crew skills pane wasn't updated to be sorted by influence until a few weeks into 4.0 - but... yeah, it definitely needs another pass now more than ever.
I don't really have any 'system' wishes other than relaxing the inability to change specs eithin group-finder content. Entire combat styles is fair enough, but locking specs is a but silly. What if your healer or tank drops and you can't get any replacement and nobody has a sufficiently-high-level companion? Or, as we've had, somebody ends up in the DPS role because either they or someone else in the group were somehow queued as both heal and DPS even though that shouldn't be possible?
If I had to push the boat out for 'crazy' implementations, I would add a sound-picker for weapons to my list. There are so many items that I love the looks of (e.g., entropy lightsaber, ardent defender's lightsaber, and the subscriber track GS2 blaster rifle) that I would happily use but don't because of how much I hate their sound effects. This would be difficult to implement due to certain weapons having 'multi-layered' sounds, like crossguard sabers, so I don't imagine it will be possible without leaving the more troublesome weapons out.
Otherwise most of my hopes for things for the game to introduce are purely non-technical cosmetic. Things like specific armour set types, more varied weapon options (e.g., a dualsaber that's available in both single-blade and dual-blade forms allowing players with corresponding combat styles to pretend that they use the same weapon even after switching; Kao-Cen Darach and Malgus both wielded a dualsaber with one hand, so there is even a precedent for juggernaut types using such a saber), that sort of thing.
The group finder role thing is... weird, and they made it even more restrictive by taking away our ability to queue as more than one role. I can only guess that it's somehow awkward and complicated in the back-end. I've read reports that even WoW's high-end group finder can get confused if you queue as multiple roles, resulting in longer instead of shorter queues for you (which would certainly match my own experiences on that front as well). So ultimately being locked into a role is a bit annoying, but I can live with it.
DeleteYeah and for PvE it's a bit useless to be locked too, like I can understand it for PvP so you can't cheat and swap to a better class for opponents you are matched against, but PvE? like let me swap so we can finish the flashpoint please.
DeleteObligatory nim R4 or new operation wish. But seriously while I would die for a new operation something serious on my wishlist is directx 12 support. The devs said they're working on it and I would like to see the performance boost we would get out of it.
ReplyDeleteR-4 NiM is just a meme at this point. The devs have stated openly that they're not doing it and people keep acting as if nothing was said. Plus even if they did make it, it would only be played by about five people.
DeleteNew operations in general would be welcome but I don't feel like "more content of a type that already exists in game" is something I specifically need to write about. I also suspect that now that they've given us XR-53, even though it's only one boss, they'll probably focus on something else again for the immediate future.
I with they'd do some UI updates with sorting and searching. I can't tell you how often I'm looking in my legacy bank for something and my eyes pass over it multiple times without seeing it. Give me a search box, dammit! And how about a more logical sort for the collections UI? I'm looking for some armor piece (that I can't remember the name of) and I have to scroll through the entire list because simply being only a few months old doesn't mean it's near the end of the list.
ReplyDeleteI certainly wouldn't say no to any of those!
DeleteI agree with this, several UI elements could do with sorting or a search function. Like the Character Titles/Legacy Titles, good luck finding any legacy title, especially sinc ethey aren't listed alphabetically either XD
DeleteI would love to have an update to the companion list. Especially an option to favorite the companions I want to be using. Scrolling through the entire list more than once because I can't find the companion I want is annoying.
ReplyDeleteI agree, a Legacy friend list would be really nice or at least let us export and import our friend list.
I would love the option to be able to rerun the origin stories on characters that have already completed them. I would definitely do that on my Troopers.
Oh and outfit slots for Companions. Maybe only two for each one. I like to change their gear at times. Especially for my Troopers so that way Jorgan and my character are in matching armor.
I think they might have stated somewhere that replayable class stories aren't technically feasible? But even if they were, I wonder how many people would really be into that. I know I wouldn't - I never replay chapters as it is and for the base game I'd always rather roll a new alt. However, I do hear people talk about wanting that feature with some regularity, so who knows.
DeleteOutfit slots for companions are another interesting idea. I don't even give most of my companions unique outfits as it is, but with this one I know that plenty of people do.