
The Best And Worst Dynamic Encounters on Tatooine

Today I hit 100% achievement completion for dynamic encounters on Tatooine, so I thought it would be fun to write a post about which encounters I liked the best and least, just like I did for Hoth.

In general I'll say that Tatooine has been a bit less exciting to revisit repeatedly because none of the encounters there offer unique rewards like the pet, mount and decoration you can earn on Hoth, and in my opinion there were also more encounters that felt perhaps a bit too similar to each other. Or maybe I only got that impression because there are literally three encounters with the objective "kill 20+ womp rats".

A gonk droid displays a holo sign of a Bith musician in front of Anchorhead residents

The Top 10 Best Dynamic Encounters on Tatooine 

1. In Search of a Problem

My favourite encounter on Tatooine is this Imperial-only one just outside Mos Ila. Imperial scientists want you to test their newest concoctions on the local banthas to make them healthier, larger and more docile, but Imperial science being what it is, the medicine sometimes does the exact opposite of what it's supposed to. I just really enjoy the funny effects it sometimes has on the banthas, such as when the growth serum goes wrong and shrinks one of them to absolutely miniscule size. The event also doesn't take very long to complete and is quite convenient to reach for Imperial players.

2. Weary Travellers

Sort of the equivalent of the above for Republic players just outside Anchorhead, this encounter asks you to provide food, water and medicine to the refugees of a sand people raid. Again, it's very convenient and quick to do, but I also feel it conveys the planet's inhospitability very well.

3. Spaceport Chaos

This is an encounter you run into as a Republic player immediately upon landing (if it's up) and it'll be hard to miss as the entire spaceport is overrun with batha calves that need to be wrangled back into their cages. Another fun little romp that reminded me a bit of my ship's gizka infestation in KOTOR.

4. A Worse Exchange

Here, too, the other faction has a sort of equivalent, with the difference being that as an Imperial, you're being asked upon landing on Tatooine to use a mouse droid to scan and tag cargo containers containing contraband as well as disable Exchange surveillance devices. This encounter is part of a group of three Exchange-themed encounters, but to be honest I didn't want to call out the entire trilogy in this case since I personally thought the other two parts were pretty mid.

5. Imperial/Republic Attack

Yeah I know, I already called these out as great on Hoth, but they work on Tatooine too, you know! Due to Tatooine's layout it feels like you're a little less likely to run into these randomly compared to Hoth, but I still enjoy jumping into the fray to help defend my base, regardless of which side I'm on.

6. Sarlacc Snacktime

This hilarious encounter in the Dune Sea asks you to pick up a repulsor gun near the sarlacc pit and punt Gamorreans into it to feed the monster. The punting power of the temporary ability you gain is absolutely insane and makes for some extremely funny results. Just the other day I was there with another person who was also trying to get it done at the same time, and we were almost on top of each other for a bit and competing for mobs, but our aim also wasn't great so some of those Gamorreans were getting punted back and forth across the sarlacc pit multiple times. That just made me giggle.

7. The "Road Gig" Trilogy: The Debut, The Sophomore Album, The Comeback

This Republic-only trilogy of encounters in Anchorhead offers something slightly different as it has you helping out the band "The Double Sunburns". First you help them fix their broken speeders, then you assist with advertising their gig, and finally you get to go to the cantina to listen to them and join the party. The first part is a bit meh as it's another encounter asking you to kill womp rats with a side of RNG for quest drops, which I'm not a huge fan of, but I figured the other two parts were enjoyable enough to warrant including the whole set on this list. The second part is probably my favourite, as it has you controlling a cute gonk droid to play adverts for the residents of Anchorhead.

8. The Scavengers' Tale, Another Scavengers' Tale, The Last Scavengers' Tale

This trilogy of encounters in the Dune Sea centers around helping out a band of Jawas. In the first part you help them repair some droids, in the second part the droids go haywire and you need to defend against them (naturally), and in the third part you fight off one big droid. The last encounter has an interesting mechanic where the droid will cast a massive damage reduction shield on itself and you need to use an exploding barrel to get rid of said shield. It's unfortunately quite unintuitive to figure out how to do this the first time around, but once you know what to do it makes for a decent change of pace from all the more mindless fights.

9. The Renegade Dewback

A female Chiss bounty hunter about to engage the Renegade Dewback Mr Grumbletail

The dynamic encounters that have you fight a single mob are usually neither particularly great nor bad in my opinion - some are faster than others, but many are located in kind of awkward places where it feels like too much effort to travel there just to kill one mob. The Renegade Dewback is fairly conveniently located for both factions however, doesn't have too much health, and just oozes personality. I mean, "Mister Grumbletail"? I don't know about you, but the moment I saw that name I wanted to make up a backstory for him.

10. Tread Lightly

This simple encounter asks you to disarm some mines in a canyon, no combat required. Not bad, but also not that exciting, is it? Well no, but stepping on the mines and setting them off also counts as "disarming" for this one, and players have been having fun with that.

The Top 5 Worst Dynamic Encounters on Tatooine

It may be somewhat less exciting than Hoth, but Tatooine is also less buggy and annoying, and I actually struggled to even fill this list.

1. Maintaining Order

This is the one encounter that I found that was bugged out in an annoying way, which is why it's number one on this list for me right now. You're supposed to intimidate outlaws in Mos Ila with a special temporary ability, but for some reason the button likes to vanish before you actually get in range of the NPCs you're supposed to use it on. It doesn't do this 100% of the time, so you can eventually finish the encounter with some patience and repeated careful approaches towards different outlaws, but it's annoying. Add to the fact that the event area is very small and doesn't actually have that many outlaws in it, so any sort of competition makes things worse.

2. Twin Suns Brutalizer

So remember how I said a few paragraphs ago that the single-mob encounters can be so-so? Well this is the prime negative example in my opinion, as the guy is located at the back of the toughest heroic area on Tatooine and quite out of the way for both factions, so if you don't have stealth you have quite a lot of travelling and fighting to do just to get to this one guy. Not worth it unless you just want to do it once for the achievement or already happen to be in the area for another reason.

3. Breezepunks

I remember when I read the PTS feedback thread about dynamic encounters, there was this one person who posted a fair bit of detailed feedback about things they liked, but then they also had several mentions of how they thought "Breezepunks" was the worst thing ever. This was before I'd ever done it myself, but once I got to it on the PTS, I actually had no problems with it that I can recall. I don't know if my memory is just faulty or if this encounter actually got worse from the PTS to live, but the initial instructions now seem buggy/misleading, so you kind of need to google how to even start it, and then there simply aren't a lot of the quest clickies around considering the number of them you need, so if more than one person is in the area, things quickly get tedious.

4. Sand People Warband

This would be a single-mob encounter except it consists of three champion mobs that take a while to die and... well, that's kind of annoying if you arrive while the encounter is already in progress, because odds are that at least one mob has already been killed and completion requires you to tag all three. So you help with killing what's left, and then you stand around to wait for that one guy to respawn - however, since they respawn as a group, you'll probably have to kill all three again. Not the worst thing in the world but definitely a little annoying.

5. Militant Jawa

I was initially hopeful that this fight would be a bit like the droid in The Last Scavengers' Tale, something with interesting mechanics, but actually, you can continue damaging this guy through his shield and he just summons a bunch of droid adds that are more annoying than anything (one of them has a really long stun). Again, not a fan.


  1. Oh crap, I remember encountering the Brutalizer in the back of a bunch of regular mobs. It did not go well for me because I was not expecting him. Okay, even if I was expecting him it still wouldn't have gone well for me...

    1. Are you sure you're thinking of the same guy? Because as I said in the post, this one's inside a heroic area, so there wouldn't really be any "regular" mobs...

  2. There's no RNG for the Debut encounter; there are three different kinds of rat and each one consistently drops one of the items. The names do a good job of cluing you in to which drops which: the gnawing rats drop wires, and the clattering and honking rats drop different instrument parts.

    1. I know that, but even so the drop rate doesn't seem to be 100%, and they also seem to respawn in randomised groups, so it's possible to end up in a situation where you need just one more type of item but 90% of the rats currently alive are of the other two types.

  3. I like the encounters that form a short trilogy story arc.
    The Jawa encounters are extra cute as the Jawas have a cute pet Opal Vulptilla called Fangle! That droid boss for the 3rd scabengers encounter did surprise me as I did not expect a dynamic encounter boss with an actual mechanic. Sarlacc Snacktime is very funny, even if the Gamorreans flying around is a bit buggy XD

    Now Militant Jawa encounter is a TRAVESTY and should be deleted or changed to an Ugnaught!

  4. I played most of the Dynamic Encounters on PTS but haven't focused on them since they were added to the live game. However, it's been fun to do the ones along the way as I visit the Hoth and Tatooine for other objectives.

    One thing I don't like is when I see an encounter on the map with only a few minutes left. It always feels bad to have to ignore it because there isn't enough time left. It would be nice if the game would let me finish a Dynamic Encounter if I'm in the area and started on the objectives. I'm not sure how complicated it would be to do this, but I think it would make the system a lot better.


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