
A Season of Uprisings... And?

Yesterday evening it was time for the SWTOR dev stream about 7.6.1, the patch that will bring with it the start of Galactic Season 8. I've been finding the lull in interesting activity recently noticeable, so I was hyped for some news - perhaps too much so, as I actually ended up feeling somewhat disappointed. I could tell that other people were also keen to hear about Galactic Season 8, as my post speculating about what its theme might be from back in December has been my most popular post for several weeks now.

The big reveal came and... *drumroll* it's uprisings. No massive surprise there, as this was one of the activities people had been throwing around as the season's potential focus during the speculation. I just didn't think it was going to be uprisings myself because I didn't think Broadsword would want to make a season entirely focused on a type of group content.

To be fair, they didn't explicitly say it, but it kind of sounded like at least some modes might become easily soloable during the season. To mix things up, we'll be given some special gadgets from Kai Zykken that will do things like call little droid swarms to come to our assistance or cause explosions. Uprisings will also no longer be limited to subscribers, and will become accessible from level ten.

I'm curious to see how they'll hold up as levelling content, and whether newer or more casual players will find them confusing. They don't have much in the way of a narrative, but they're technically set after Knights of the Eternal Throne's base story, with Lana and Theron sending you out to fight people on both Republic and Empire side that are conspiring against the Eternal Alliance, which doesn't really make any sense at level ten.

Some of the rewards that were showcased look quite good too - I really liked the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas themed decorations and can see myself finding a lot of good uses for those.

That said... I've got to admit I was the opposite of excited when all this was announced. In my review of GS7 back in December, I noted that it had been a rather "meh" experience for me, as I felt the season was kind of lacking in flavour and newness. Annnd, unfortunately GS8 looks like it's going to be more or less the same. From the sounds of it, there is once again not going to be a grand reward that everything's centred around, such as a companion, stronghold, or side story.

As for uprisings as an activity... let's just say that of all the things people speculated could be the theme of the season, I would have preferred almost anything else. I don't hate them, but they are very low down on the list of activities I'm happy to take part in, so having a whole season centred around them fills me more with dread than anticipation. I want to believe that the changes will make them more interesting! But I'm not sure the devs can pull it off.

When this was followed up by an announcement that they were going to add more achievements to the existing dynamic encounters on Hoth and Tatooine, as well as some new Bessi customisations to grind out exactly the same way as you ground out Bessi's unlocks, it just added to the feeling that all we have to look forward to is replaying more of the same content that we've just done. I think I wouldn't have minded these so much on any other day, but as a direct follow-up to the uprising season they felt deflating.

Then Eric got to the headline "Cartel Market Storefront Updates" and my ears perked up, because I think parts of the Cartel Market interface are pretty poor to use and I think that making a number of small key changes here could really improve the experience of using it. So Eric was like: "As an example you go: I wanna buy a blaster pistol. And so you go and look at weapons and there's just a lot of them." I was quietly nodding along. "And so one of the things we're looking at doing is... putting things across the market into retirement."

To which my mental reaction was something along the lines of: Jesus Christ, what?! That is not how that sentence was supposed to continue! The Cartel Market isn't overwhelming because there are too many items on it, it's because there are no freaking filters! If you want to buy a blaster pistol, there's no way for you to just see the blaster pistols, you have to wade through all these other weapon types that your character can't actually use just to find the odd pistol here or there; that's where the pain point is! You don't need a FOMO sale, you need bloody filters!

Ahem. This one may have kind of pushed my buttons because I work in e-commerce in real life and am part of the UI/UX team at my job. So I was suffering professional outrage at the fact that I can't remember the last time anything a dev said missed the mark for me by a mile like that. I guess consider this your public service announcement that there'll be a weapon sale for the next two weeks, and all those weapons that are on sale will then be removed from the Cartel Market afterwards. Then they'll do the same for another category and so on. This isn't an entirely new thing, as there are a lot of things that aren't available on the CM at any given moment. I just wish they hadn't led with making it sound like they were actually going to improve the user interface instead of making a FOMO push.

There were a couple of other (to me) minor things like that they are still working on improving the character texture updates, but I was kind of starting to tune out towards the end. So much so that I missed the casual mention of 7.7 bringing dynamic encounters to more planets and XR-53 getting a master mode. I would have missed that entirely if a guildie hadn't pointed it out to me afterwards! I think those things sound really cool actually, even if I'm personally unlikely to beat an XR-53 master mode. I just think the fight is well-tuned for story and veteran mode and has room for a master mode on top to challenge high-end players.

However, all that still feels kind of far away, and in the meantime I feel like I don't have a lot to look forward to, which is disappointing to me. And most importantly to me, there was no comment on the still missing story update that was originally meant to come with 7.6. Back in November I summarised what they said about this on the 7.6 dev stream as such: "[...] they had to delay the story update part of it because they "currently don't have all the elements [they] need to complete this story", which I've seen people interpret as having to do with the voice actors' strike, though I don't know whether that's just speculation or backed by anything that was said elsewhere."

Back then, I wasn't sure how strong the suspicion about the voice actor's strike was, as people can be quite wrong sometimes when it comes to making guesses about what's going on inside a studio, but it seems to be quite cemented in at this point, as other games have released updates with bits that would usually be voiced missing, and I think I saw a comment from dataminers that the 7.6 story content looks largely complete in the game files except for the missing voice lines.

Someone pointed me at this video about the voice actors' strike, which I think explains the whole situation pretty well. To be clear, I'm 100% in support of the union and their demands here, and I'm not holding it against Broadsword either that they are unable to proceed in the meantime. However, considering that it's now been more than three months since the 7.6 dev stream and nine months since the last story update, I really just wanted them to say something, to acknowledge that this situation sucks, that they don't have an ETA yet but that they'll release all the built up story content at once as soon as the strike ends. Or something. 

And you know, I realise it's quite possible that they are simply not able to do that, as there may well be some kind of ruling from above to not talk about the strike to players/customers. But that doesn't make it any less frustrating to be presented with this front of "nothing's wrong" while there's a freaking elephant in the room. They also mentioned in this stream that there would be a new date night in 7.6.1, just to then say absolutely nothing else about it, seemingly acknowledging that while they've probably indeed built this content, we still won't actually be getting it with the patch due to missing voice work, despite their announcement.

I'm kind of reminded of when we didn't get a story update for over a year during 2020, but there were two important differences there: one was that the global pandemic was a very obvious obstacle to a lot of work in a sense that people could generally understand. While the SAG-AFTRA strike is obviously also a public thing, it's nowhere near on the same level, and without any public acknowledgement of what's going on, SWTOR players will just assume the worst as usual about how the game is now dying because it's no longer releasing story content or whatever.

The other difference is that SWTOR had just released the Onslaught expansion at the end of 2019, which was rich with new content and goals to chase, meaning the game was able to coast on that momentum for a bit. The current situation feels more like the opposite, in the sense that we went from getting a new planet in 7.2 at the end of 2022 to a smaller new daily zone in 7.4, to an even smaller new planetary area without anything to do in it in 7.5. The current storyline feels to many like it's overstayed its welcome a bit, and people are desperate for something fresh, so to me this feels like the worst possible time to suddenly have to stop releasing major updates.

I think I'm a pretty patient person and I always roll my eyes a little at the people who complain about two story updates with full voice acting, cinematics and story choices per year as if they were nothing, because I think the team is doing a great job putting out high-quality content with the resources they have. However, I hate feeling like I have nothing to really look forward to at the moment, as the new season doesn't particularly excite me and who knows when the voice actors strike will end. It's been going on for more than seven months! According to Wikipedia the longest SAG-AFTRA strike in history lasted close to a year, so I guess unless they are going for a new record we can hope for an agreement before July at least?

I don't know, man, that's just a long time to feel like I should be focusing on other games.


  1. My first thought upon hearing Eric talk about the CM storefront updates was also that they were finally going to add filters, and was taken aback when it wasn't that. C'mon guus, Collections lists things by category, can

    1. Fat-fingered the reply button, whoops.

      ...can't your actual store?!?

      As for the gap in content and the new season, I really don't know either. I find it fascinating that the uprisings are in the Zakuul era yet the rewards have no synergy with that at all. It's like it's a stronghold-themed season with uprisings as a side thing...

  2. Uprisings seem a decent choice to revitalize (in that they are perfectly fine content that currently almost no one touches because there are no incentives to do so).

    100% agreed on filters for the Cartel Market being a better solution. I still can’t believe the collections menu doesn’t have a ‘sort by claimable’ filter so I can see what I have unlocked on any particular character.

    Finally, I blinked and missed it in the stream, but if NiM XR really is coming… I’m actually pretty happy about that. Worth pointing out that it would be the first NiM lair boss, and the first NiM boss to be added to the game in 5 years!! Not a huge fan of the XR fight right now but maybe new mechanics will spice things up.

    1. I can't really blame the devs for wanting to revitalise uprisings, but I have done a fair number of them over the years when there were incentives to run them (back in the days of Galactic Command, and more recently for Conquest), but they just always feel tedious to me.

      As I said in the post, I also missed the XR master mode mention at first; it really was such a throwaway comment! And it would indeed be the first lair boss to get a third difficulty. I'd contest whether it's been 5 years since the last NiM fight though... R-4 VM is a veteran mode in name only.

  3. I like the idea of them opening uprisings to the masses. They've been sort of hidden content for a while because of the lack of rewards and low queues. That's why I thought they should turn them into flashpoints. Slow them down a bit to be more tactical like flashpoints with similar completion times and give out the same rewards. Then put them in the same queue as flashpoints. They probably aren't going this far, but maybe the changes will move uprisings in that direction. I am wondering if these changes are permanent or just for the duration of the season.

    I'm pretty cynical about Bioware/Broadsword's management of the cartel market, so I wasn't surprised about them retiring items even though I'm not happy about it. I'm always pushing them to do the opposite. Everything should be available to buy directly all the time. If they need more categories or filters, it's easy to add them.

    Imagine if Steam had only 20-30% of its games on sale and to buy the others you just had to get lucky to visit the store when that game was available. It's just bad business to not have everything available. When people want to buy, a store needs to be ready to take their money. The longer someone has to wait to buy, the more likely they are to lose interest and not buy when it becomes available later.

    1. I mean, I'm glad there are people who like the idea of an uprising-themed season. I don't think it's an objectively bad thing, it's just bad for me as someone who's done them plenty of times and still isn't a fan. 😅

      Steam is an interesting comparison! They also have a lot of sort options and ways of getting recommendations. I do think cosmetics are a bit different and FOMO works as a tactic, as knowing that it will go away can absolutely push people into buying something they wouldn't have considered otherwise, but personally I would definitely also be happy to just have everything there at all times.

  4. Compared to the reaction from some YouTubers/Redditors/SWTOR Forum members about the livestream, this is pretty tame (And shares a lot of my post watching and thinking about it feelings)! Especially compared to the videos I saw saying how this was "the worst livestream" (Which I've heard after almost every livestream over the last few years), or how "SWTOR was dead, stop playing and paying now"

    Part of me feels like GS8 would have been a perfect opportunity for a Zakuul Stronghold (Something players have wanted since 5.0), since the Uprisings are "technically" Zakuul related content. I like the Deco's and Mounts (The Kass Themed mount is perfect for my Agent), and the Bessi Customizations (The Red and White one would be perfect for a "Havoc Squad Bessi"). Now I just need to finish getting Bessi.

    I know on the followup post, Jackie mentioned that they were getting rid of the underperforming stuff, which I can see as being some of the uglier and older weapons like the Socorro or Starforged Blasters. Not sure that this is the best idea (As others have said, filters would be better, since now if you search "Blaster", you'll find both Rifles and pistols), but I don't know much about UI/UX stuff.

    Like the DvL Bosses, Uprisings came out at a time when I was more playing Solo, and frankly had no guild to run stuff, but GS7 gave me a chance to get the DvL Boss Achievements, so I might actually get the Uprising achievements done this time around.

    As for the VO stuff, I think/hope that after the reaction to the increase of KotOR style Cutscenes in 7.3/7.4 & 7.5, and the Strike, they are trying to balance how much to tell in normal cinematics, and the KotOR Stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if there is an edict from higher up at either EA or LucasFilm that says "Don't mention the strike".

    1. There are people who will absolutely complain about everything the devs say! I'm usually more on the positive side though as I still love this game after more than 13 years, so by my standards this was a pretty negative post/reaction.

  5. I'm mostly excited about them opening up Uprisings for nonsubscribers because I plan to badger some people, I know who are f2p to try Uprisings with me. I've tried them out a handful of times by myself and with others but lately there just hasn't been enough interest in them so it's hard to find a group.

  6. Being a solo player I certainly would like to be able to do uprisings by myself in something like solo flashpoint mode.


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