
Adventuring With Bessi

There's one major feature of patch 7.5 that I still haven't written about here yet: Bessi the Basilisk Droid! To be honest, I did the introductory quest line during the first week and then decided to nope right out of the whole system for the first month - it was all dailies and I was already doing the new spring event on ALL the characters; there's only so much daily-running I can take. However, I always intended to get back to Bessi eventually, so for the past few weeks I've been taking her out on adventures every week.

B3-S1 lying peacefully in Lane's lab, offering you a daily quest

When Bessi and her new "venture" were first announced, my reaction could basically be summed up in three bullet points:

  • Good: a companion with a meaningful story and gameplay behind it!
  • Bad: another incentive to do the same old daily areas yet again!
  • Confusing: why do we need a new system for this?

I feel like seeing the system in action only really gave me a partial answer to the last question. It has its own snazzy UI of course, but at its core it's still just a bunch of quests and achievements? My best guess is that the whole thing is legacy-wide in a way that the current achievement system wouldn't quite have been able to support or something...

The Basilisk Prototype venture UI at level 5

As a system, I'm honestly feeling a bit ambivalent about it, but it might be that the devs are still working out some kinks. For example I saw people complain a lot about mission RNG from level five onwards (before I'd gotten there myself) and this was addressed pretty quickly with a new option to unlock specific missions via currency on a vendor.

For me, where I'm at right now, there are mainly two things that still seem a little unrefined to me: one is that even though the system was advertised as legacy-wide, all the training module missions are character-bound, which makes it kind of unappealing to ever go on an alt, as you'll keep earning new missions on the same character, and switching to an alt would require you to pay extra to unlock training missions on a different character, when what you really want to do is save your precious currency for actual advancement.

The other thing is that it's just... a bit confusing, but in a way that I find hard to articulate. I was actually somewhat reminded of the way I felt about the 7.0 gearing system when Legacy of the Sith came out, which is to say, I kinda got what I needed to do, but if you asked me to explain how it all works, I'd just draw a blank. With Bessi in specific, I can always see the checklist of tasks in the venture window, but I find that I have to keep referring back to it all the time, because I just can't quite keep track and the flow never feels entirely organic to me. I pretty much always complete one task at a time and then have to go "OK, now what".

Bessi herself is incredibly cute though. She's basically a robot dog with a giant, multi-barrelled gun for a face, which sounds bizarre but works somehow. Everything about her design walks a fine line between threatening and adorable. I particularly like her idle sound, which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up the first time I heard it because she growls a bit like the T-Rex from the original Jurassic Park, only slightly more robotic. But then you watch her wag her tail while she casts heals on you and you just can't help going "aw"; it's pretty amazing honestly.

Lane Vizla introduces Shintar the trooper to Bessi

Also, and it almost pains me a little to say this, but the daily gameplay loop turned out to be more fun than I expected. It's a bit different in that you have to "rent" Bessi for an hour at a time, so you have an incentive to really dedicate that time slot to nothing but her (logging out pauses the timer so you can take breaks if you want, but my point is you may not want to go off and run a flashpoint halfway through or something).

More interestingly though, we're not being asked to do the weekly mission in each daily area like on pretty much every other occasion, but instead Bessi's training modules require you to do just two daily or heroic missions in a specific daily zone at a time, which makes you think about things like which ones to pick for good synergy and can result in a lot of planet-hopping in a relatively short time. It's just... different.

The one thing that's surprised me is how extremely time-gated the system is. Obviously there was always going to be a limit in terms of how much progress you're allowed to make in a single week, but there are four different currencies involved and so far I've always reached the weekly cap for all of them within only two hours of gameplay, at which point it's back to the stable for Bessi as she can't make any more progress until the next week. Considering how the resource investment for each level is also increasing over time, the devs clearly weren't kidding when they said that unlocking Bessi's full potential was going to be something that takes a level of real time commitment that not everyone will be willing to make to this system.

How are you getting on with Bessi and what do you think of the new venture system so far?


  1. I haven't started with Bessi, yet. I've been waiting until the season was over before I started working on this first venture. Anything that feels like a reputation track doesn't have much of a pull on me these days. (I just finished hitting Legend with Onderon this week, for example). I'm more, I'll get to it when the whim hits me, instead of being 'I must fill all the bars' these days.

    I think, too, as I spend more time over the years with an MMO I end up having more options for looks, pets, mounts, etc. that a new one just doesn't 'sing' to me its siren call as they used to in the old days when you had little choices. Alts especially tend to end up with one look (one spec, too!) and very rarely change. Even my mains in an MMO tend to stick with just a few appearances / pets / mounts used.

    Back to Bessi. I'll work on her stuff, but since she'll always be there I can be as half-hearted about doing her requirements as I feel like it. ^_^

  2. I've only got one more upgrade on Bessi to go before she's officially 'complete', then it's just getting through the remaining three weeks to complete the final achievement and unlock the corresponding achievement. I'm hoping I have enough bags of currency saved up across Phin and Vi to get me through them but if I don't so be it. Won't be difficult to make up any deficits.

    I've already said more than I think I needed to about Bessi over Discord, so I won't repeat all that here, but it has admittedly been an interesting exercise. Frustrating, at times, but that's mainly due to the number of little things that needed and ideally still need streamlining, but still interesting.

    Definitely curious to see what lessons they take forward and what, if anything, they change for the next one. I'm still curious how an organic companion will function in this setup: at least a refurbished droid is easy to explain as needing upgrading and associated parts to unlock skills...

    1. That should be "unlock the corresponding customisation".


Share your opinion! Everyone is welcome, as long as things stay polite. I also read comments on older posts, so don't be shy. :)